

WORDS OF THE WEEK HELLO,   Its been a while since I checked in here. please forgive my sabbatical, as I had to take out some time to attend to my study. Obviously a taxing task, however, every venture to better improve one's mental capabilities should be embraced with ''no pain, no gain'' as the theme . Enough said already LOL, shall we?  Recently, I had a experience that left me energized to continue doing what I do - continue to put out information and tips on how we can all improve the quality of our spoken English. Remember, for those who English is their L2, the task has never been more taxing. But the good thing is, you're  not alone on this journey. With one-step-at-a-time, we all can get there.  So, I found two words that caught my fancy this past weeks, they are RECTIFY and RATIFY .  Both Words may seem the same, sound the same , and even can be used interchangeably by the inexperienced English Speakers. But the fact is, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME, and there...

Ideal voice type

  Improving Your Speaking Voice. A lot of people in their pursuit in achieving perfection in their speaking ability are grappling with the idea that they have to have a particular Voice type other than the one they already posses. As such the question keeps ensuing "Is there an ideal voice type"?. Today, I will treat this question and also proffer some of the ingredients you need in your journey to attainable fluency and pizzazz. There is no single "ideal" voice type for everyone, as everyone's voice is unique and can be improved in different ways. However, there are some features of a healthy and effective speaking voice that are generally considered desirable. Some characteristics of an ideal speaking voice include: Clarity: A clear voice is easy to understand and conveys your message effectively. Modulation: Good modulation means varying your pitch, tone, and volume to add interest and emphasis to your speech. Pace: A good speaking pace is neit...


From our Mailbox πŸ“«πŸ“«πŸ“« " Good evening sir. quick question,Ideally, what hamper one's speaking voice and some practical examples how it can be improved"?  SH: There are a variety of factors that can negatively impact one's speaking voice. Some of the most common ones include: Poor posture: Slouching or hunching over can affect your breathing and vocal resonance, resulting in a strained or weak voice. To improve your posture, try standing up straight with your shoulders back and your chin level. Tension: Tightness in your jaw, neck, or throat can make it difficult to speak clearly and confidently. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or yoga, can help release tension in these areas. Dehydration: Lack of hydration can lead to dryness in the throat and vocal cords, making it harder to speak clearly. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol can help keep your vocal cords hydrated. Vocal fatigue: Overusing your voice, part...

Harmattan and your Voice

Singing Voice in Harmattan  #voicecanic #healthyvoice #singers "How can singing voice be maintained during the harmattan"? The above question was sent in from someone who lives in Europe, but she's coming to Nigeria for a couple of weeks. Well, before I go on to reply, let me first give a little bit information on the Harmattan season in Nigeria, and by extension, West Africa. The harmattan is a dry, dusty wind that blows across West Africa during the dry season, typically between December and February. It can have an effect on the singing voice by drying out the mucous membranes in the throat and nasal passages, which can make it more difficult to produce clear, well-pitched tones. It can also cause irritation and inflammation in the throat, which can lead to a scratchy or hoarse singing voice. To maintain a healthy singing voice during the harmattan, it's important to stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding dehydrating substances like alcohol...


  Olumati Isaiah Rolls Out His Six Cardinal Points For Phalga Constituency 1 Ahead Of 2023 General Elections The Labour Party candidate for Port Harcourt Local Government Constituency 1, Olumati Isaiah has rolled out what is known as his six (6) cardinal points agenda for his constituency ahead of the 2023 general elections, profjaysblog gathered. This was made known while he was addressing a group of newsmen in Port Harcourt on the 10th of October, 2022. However, just before that, the labour party candidate took his time to introduced himself and what formed his decisions to venture into politics and how he intends to achieve and contributes his quota when elected. read the interview below; Who is Olumati Isaiah? My name is Olumati Isaiah, Principal, Mirus Empire and The Olumati Company. I had my first degree in Geology from The University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. I have practiced as a management consultant and music business enthusiastfor the last 10 years. I have spent th...

Tips For Composing yourself

 Speaking, is what everyone does, whether professionally, or within our department in our offices. Everyone should as a matter of importance, learn the art of public Speaking, as no other skills can increase your self confidence the way public speaking and improved communication skills can.  Face the challenge and learn how to conduct the business of public Speaking. This Blog and articles are meant to be a source of that learning for you. On today's Article, we are to tackle speaking fears and how to physically composing yourself. Here, this few Tips can help you deal with it. βœ“. ACT SELF-ASSURED. Shifting the attention on you to your audience by focusing on the needs of your audience is an effective way. Ask your audience a question as that can easily drive attention off you, thereby giving you a breather. βœ“. RELIEVE MUSCLE TENSION. Most times, nervousness will likely increase muscle tension. Probably you're unsure of your speaking ability, this too can increase muscle tensi...

Body Language Techniques

 Hello Voice User Body language is termed: the hidden communicator. Body language is 55% of any message. Body language says much more than words. You .at have heard this expression: the way you say what you say and the way you look when you say it speaks so loudly that I can't hear what it is that you're saying! Your gestures and body language are five times more powerful than your verbal message. If your body language and your words are inconsistent, people will believe your body. Here are few Body language techniques that can help you build consistency with your wordsπŸ‘‡ βœ“. Increase your physical space. Think about superman and even wonder woman, they physically took up space by standing with their feet apart, heads up, and their hands on their hips. βœ“. Keep your posture erect and your chin up. Keeping your posture erect and your chin up conveys a sense of energy and confidence βœ“. Plant your feet evenly on both feet. When standing and speaking before a group, place your feet a...